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A Better Vista For All

Anthony White
-For Vista D2

As a Veteran, I know exactly what it means to serve Honorably. 
As an Advocate, I know what it means to serve Selflessly.
As your Candidate, I know exactly what it takes to serve Vista.

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Official Endorsements 

Deputy Mayor- Katie Melendez- Vista


Frmr. Councilmember- Olga Diaz- Escondido 


Mayor/ Councilmember- Chris Duncan- San Clemente


 San Diego Progressive Democratic Club


Democratic Club of Vista

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VoteVets PAC

My Vision For Vista

Lets fight for a better future together and a better Vista for all

Housing Accessibility &

Adapting Vista to the Future

Community Investment &
A Safer Vista

"It's crucial to live in a society where people don't just support progressive change, but actively fight for it."

A Lived Experience Leader

As a dedicated advocate, I have been serving my community in one way or another for nearly a decade since leaving the Marine Corps. My journey has been shaped by overcoming personal challenges and a strong commitment to helping those in need, underscoring my readiness to take on the role of a city council candidate.

My transformative enlistment in the Marine Corps allowed me to develop key leadership skills and a deep-seated sense of service. Following my military service, I transitioned into impactful work as a community advocate, consistently demonstrating my ability to lead effectively and make a meaningful difference.

Throughout my journey, I have focused my advocacy efforts on critical issues such as supporting students and addressing homelessness. These efforts have earned me recognition from notable publications and organizations, including features in international works focused on my basic needs advocacy. I've had the honor of being recognized by prestigious publications like The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times.

Furthermore, my dedication to the betterment of underserved communities has led me to advise on state and national legislation aimed at providing assistance and support to those in need. My journey is a clear indication of my resilience, leadership, and unwavering dedication to public service. As a city council candidate, I aim to bring these qualities to the forefront, striving to make a lasting positive impact on the community I aim to serve.



Connect with the Campaign

For volunteer opportunities, or to stay up to date with this important race, please submit your contact information below. 

Thanks for supporting APW4VISTA


Thank you for your interest in Anthony White for Vista City Council D2.
Please consider donating at the link at the top of the page!

If you have a question, concern, or would simply like to get in touch, feel free to email or reach out online. 

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